Programme Overview

5th Urban Economy Forum + 59th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

For Climate Action, Urban Finance 
Climate-responsive Planning for Equitable Places & Communities

UEF5+WPC59 will offer four full days very diverse, engaging and multidisciplinary programming for its participants, in Toronto, Canada! A variety of Sessions will be offered, covering Urban Planning, Urban Finance and the space between them, breaking the silos between those two sectors.


Participants will enjoy: 

  • Inspirational Keynote speeches and Plenary Sessions 
  • Engaging Panel discussions 
  • Informative Parallel Track Sessions with Case Study and Research presentations 
  • Crosscutting Special Sessions 
  • Parallel Virtual sessions 
  • Networking and other Social Events 
  • Workshops 
  • Site Visits 
  • Trainings 

While the Congress will feature primarily live and in-person sessions, celebrating the connection and networking that is at the heart of ISOCARP and UEF Congresses, a three-day Virtual Pre- Congress programme (September 19-21) will be developed to include participants who can not travel to Toronto but are passionate about the theme. 

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