Technical Tours

Regent Park Revitilization

Lead Organiser: City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing, and Local Community. Total Registrations: Morning: 25 | Afternoon: 25. Starting Point: World Urban Pavilion at Regent Park, provided by UEF

Since 2005, the Regent Park neighborhood has been undergoing a revitalization process that aims to redevelop the aging social housing stock from the 50s into a mixed-income, mixed-use community with private, public, and community spaces.  We will be taking a walk through Regent Park, where we will visit public and private spaces where sustainability strategies and social integration plans were implemented.  Throughout, participants and walkshop leaders will discuss how the evolving masterplan provided opportunities for economic, social and sustainable development in the community.  Total time of the session will be 2 hours, including a 30min presentation plus Q&A and 90min walking tour in Regent Park.

Agenda/ Programme (2 tours: 9 am - 11 am and 2 pm - 4 pm): 

  • 15 min Introductions and Background Presentation
  • 15 min Q & A
  • 90 min Walking Tour
  • Discussion Points: Revitalization Masterplan, Social Development Plan, District Energy, Community Entrepreneurship, Community Gardens, Tenure Blind Architectu
  • Organizations Involved: TCHC, City Planning Department, Daniels, Community leader
Ran Chen
Senior Urban Designer - Toronto & East York District, City of Toronto, Planning Division
Alison Platt
Director of Development, The Daniels Corporation
Remo Agostino
Vice President, Development, The Daniels Corporation
Katherine Bailey
Senior Planner - Toronto & East York District, City of Toronto, Planning Division

Ibrahim Afrah
Regent Park Community Leader & World Urban Pavilion Steering Committee Member

Creating a Complete Community and Climate Resilient Downsview

Lead Organiser: City of Toronto. Total Registrations: 30

The City of Toronto launched the Update Downsview Study in Fall 2021 in anticipation of the Official Plan Amendment application submitted by Canada Lands Company and Northcrest Development in Fall 2021. Through a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector work program, the City and applicant teams are collaboratively working towards a common long-term vision to (re)stitch existing and new communities together in the Downsview Area, enabling the development of resilient, equitable and connected communities. The tour will provide an overview on the work being done by the City and applicant team to plan for future growth and development of the Downsview Airport lands (210 hectares) and broader Downsview Area (560 hectares) to accommodate the needs of 110,000 new residents (60,000 units) and 47,000 workers anticipated over the next 30 years at full-build out. This work incudes comprehensive community engagement, innovative approaches to stormwater management such as green infrastructure, multi-modal transit shifts, and land use planning that ultimately supports equity, climate resilience and sustainability goals.

Agenda/ Programme (9 am - 1 pm): 

  • Arrival & Welcome: Supply Depot @ 40 Carl Hall Rd (north end, near Downsview Park subway station) 
  • Runway & hangars 
  • Downsview Park
  • The Mound, Fresh City Farms, Orchard/Pavilion
  • Stanley Greene neighbourhood
  • Tour ends at Supply Depot @ 40 Carl Hall Road

Alicia Rinaldi
Assistant Planner, Strategic Initiatives, City Planning Division
Kristy Shortall
Senior Vice-President of Development, Northcrest
David Anselmi
Regional Director, Real Estate, Canada Lands Company
Emily Reisman
Partner, Urban Strategies

Climate Solutions Park

Lead Organiser: International Renewable Energy Academy, York University. Total Registrations: 30 

Meet at Downsview Park subway station for a walking tour of our climate solutions park and meet in person the people designing and building it. Our venue is located at 70 Canuck Avenue in Toronto's Downsview Park

Jose Etcheverry, Board of Governors, York University

Embark on an interactive journey to the forefront of climate action as you step into the realm of the Climate Solutions Park (CSP), a groundbreaking collaboration between York University and The Rural Urban Learning Association (RULA) and Canada's first of its kind. CSP seamlessly merges an environmental park, a living-lab, and a hub for community leadership, all dedicated to pioneering innovative and impactful responses to the climate crisis. Through immersive experiences, CSP offers interactive learning, research opportunities, and a space for global networking among Eco-leaders, emphasizing environmental stewardship. Delve into the heart of sustainability innovation as CSP's comprehensive prototypes and on-site initiatives seamlessly integrate 100% renewable energy, bio-inspired solutions, electric mobility, and affordable housing models, painting a vivid picture of tomorrow's sustainable practices in action.

Agenda/ Programme (2 pm - 5 pm): 

  • Arrive at Downsview Park Subway Station (meet at West exit street level)
  • Walk to 70 Canuck Avenue 
  • Tour our climate solutions park 
  • Meet the designers and builders of the climate solutions park

Jose Etcheverry
Board of Governors, York University

Housing, Intensification, and Climate Action in Established Areas-Mid-Rise Buildings in West Queen West

Lead Organiser: City of Toronto. Total Registrations: 20. Starting Point: Meet at the Parkdale Amphitheater 

Toronto's main streets are the heart of its neighbourhoods. The vision for our commercial corridors call for beautiful tree-lined streets and sunlit sidewalks, framed by carefully articulated mid-rise buildings that provide retail and community uses on the ground level. One of the components of the growth strategy outlined in Toronto's official plan is sensitive intensification of main streets. This mobile workshop will take participants on a tour of recently built mid-rise buildings in West Queen West. Key components of the performance standards for mid-rise buildings to guide future growth will be highlighted. Discussion will include intensification in established areas, increasing housing supply, and creating great retail streets. Participants will also have a chance to view a couple of laneway housing developments though the tour, and a modular supportive housing development.

Agenda/ Programme (2 pm - 4.30 pm): 

  • Meet at the Parkdale Amphitheatre (1258 Queen Street West, at Queen and Dufferin). Streetcar stop immediately in front or Dufferin bus nearby. 
  • Brief welcome and introductions. 
  • Walking tour of 2.5 hours focussed on mid-rise building intensification, housing, and encouraging walkable main streets. 
  • Please be prepared for the weather, wear comfortable shoes, and be aware that this is a busy, evolving location with potential construction and uneven pavement. 
  • Concludes at Dundas Street West and Dovercourt Avenue. Dundas Streetcar at this location.
Matt Armstong
Senior Planner, Strategic Initiatives, City Planning Division

Toronto Western Hospital Wastewater Energy System

Lead Organiser: City of Toronto, University Health Network, Noventa Energy Partners. Total Registrations: 30 - 40 people with possibility of expansion if there is demand. Starting Point: Toronto Western Hospital boardroom

The Noventa Wastewater Energy Transfer project is currently being built at Toronto Western Hospital. It's Toronto's inaugural wastewater energy initiative and the most extensive project of its kind globally. The 19-megawatt (MW) renewable energy project is designed to harness heat from the city's sewer system. By doing so, it will drastically cut natural gas consumption at Toronto Western Hospital by 90 percent, eliminate 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions each year, and save 44.7 million litres water annually. This innovative public-private partnership is poised to revolutionize how the City of Toronto leverages its public assets for climate action.  

Agenda/ Programme (2.30 pm - 5 pm): 

  • 2:30 – 3:00: Meet + greet w/ Noventa team and City of Toronto staff
  • 3:00 – 3:30: Noventa presentation (including discussion of company background, wastewater energy transfer technology, Toronto Western Hospital)
  • 3:30 – 3:45: Q&A
  • 3:45 – 5:00:  Project tour

Fernando Carou
Manager, City of Toronto - Environment & Climate
Cam Quinn
Senior Project Manager, Noventa
Alex Sotirov
President, Noventa Management Services

Securing Economic Opportunity for Local Residents in the Greater Golden Mile

Lead Organiser: United Way Greater Toronto. Starting Point: Victoria Park Community Hub, Golden Mile (1527 Victoria Park Ave)

Once one of Canada's largest manufacturing hubs, the Golden Mile today is mostly big-box retail and on the brink of change. Over the next two decades, it will see over 75 buildings with 35,000 residential units built across 14 different developments. The five surrounding neighbourhood improvement areas house 93,000 residents who are largely racialized, born outside of Canada, with household incomes that are lower than the rest of Toronto.  In this walkshop, United Way Greater Toronto will introduce the Inclusive Local Economic Opportunity Initiative, which is bringing the private, public, and community sectors together to ensure that local residents share in the economic benefit of the upcoming development.

Agenda/ Programme (10 am - 11.30 am): 

This Walkshop will include an overview of the ILEO initiative, plus a 45 min walking tour of the Golden Mile and the planned development. The walkshop will end at approximately 11: 30 am, in perfect time to enjoy the diversity of the Golden Mile culinary scene for lunch.

Tasleem Thawar

Director, Strategic Initiatives, United Way Greater Toronto


Smart Sustainability for the Future

Lead Organiser: Geroge Brown College - Brookfield Sustainability Institute. Total Registrations: 50.  Starting Point: We will meet in room 241 (second floor), at 3 Lower Jarvis

Join us on a tour of the new Brookfield Sustainability Institute (BSI) and its Global Solutions Studio. Currently showcased in George Brown College's state of the art building in sustainability down by the Queens Quay waterfront, you will view the exciting labs and resources on hand in the building including a state of the art Maker Lab, rotoscoping studio, green screen film studio. The BSI is a catalytic innovation hub, creating smart, sustainable solutions for a better future. The Institute's mission is to foster partnerships with governments, businesses, and non-profits, to develop applied solutions that tackle industry challenges in the fight against climate change.

BSI is unparalleled in its unique integration of academic rigor with industry pragmatism, offering both visionary insights and actionable solutions of global scope and impact. You can read more at: .

After learning more about the Institute's output, you will learn more about Limberlost Place, the future home of the BSI. Still under construction, it will be the tallest mass timber structure in Ontario, and it will be the most sustainable building in Canada when completed. 

The session will start at 3 Lower Jarvis (GBC School of Design), current headquarters of the BSI for an inside tour and presentation. You will then walk across the street, toQueens Quay innovation district in downtown waterfront, and end the walking tour at Limberlost Place and GBC's Waterfront Campus, an LEED Gold building.

Agenda/ Programme (10 am - 12.00 pm): 

  • 10 am – Gather in room 241, 3 Lower Jarvis
  • 10:15 am – Introduction and presentation about BSI and Limberlost Place
  • 11:00 am – begin tour of 3 Lower Jarvis
  • 11:30 am – walking tour to Limberlost Place
  • Noon – end tour at Limberlost Place and Waterfront Campus

Jacob Kessler

Project Principal and Director of Account Management, Partnerships, and Content Production at BSI

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