ISOCARP Scientific Committee

ISOCARP's Scientific Committee keeps the Society at the forefront of professional thinking in planning. The Committee monitors developments in society and the planning profession and presents these to ISOCARP in periodic reports. The Committee contributes actively to ISOCARP congresses by linking the Congress theme to global and local host planning issues and debates.

Ulrich Graute, Germany
Committee Chair
Li FanGermany/China
Committee Vice Chair
Hadeel AbuzaidTurkey

Sebnem Hoskara, Turkey
Nasim Iranmanesh, Iran

Ismael Fernandez Mejia, Mexico 

Pia Carrasco, Venezuela
Hendricus Andy Simarmata, Indonesia
Zeynep EnlilTurkey
Hope Magidimisha-Chipungu, South Africa
Tijana Tufek-MemisevicUnited States
Martina Juvara, United Kingdom

Urara Takaseki, Japan 
Wenjing Luo (Helen Lambert), China

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