Peer-Review and Mentorship Programmes

Peer-Review Programme

The Peer-Review Programme of UEF5+WPC59 will produce a separate Congress Proceedings publication that will include all the papers that have been peer-reviewed by our experts. We aim to index this publication on the Web of Science after the congress.

The Peer-Review Programme is not mandatory and is available for authors who choose to participate at no extra cost.

Only Research Papers can participate in this programme; Case Study Reports are not eligible.


How does it work? 

Final Research Papers submitted on time will be categorized into two groups: those that can be directly sent for peer-review and those that might require some room for improvement or further elaboration before being peer-reviewed. For authors falling into the latter category, we are happy to support them through our Mentorship Programme and help enhance aspects of their final submission before sending it for Peer-Review (if they choose to do so). More information about the Mentorship Programme is provided below.

The final papers that are ready for Peer-Review will be sent directly to our selected experts for double-blind Peer-Review. If they pass successfully, they will be included in the Peer-Reviewed Proceedings publication.

The Peer-Review Process will last throughout and after the Congress, and you should expect the final publication a few months after the end of the Congress.

When submitting your final Research Paper, you will be able to indicate whether you want to have your paper peer-reviewed or not.


Mentorship Programme

Final Research Papers submitted on time will be categorized into two groups: those that can be directly sent for peer-review and those that might benefit from improvement or further elaboration. The Mentorship Programme is targeted towards the second group of papers, and our expert mentors will be available to work with you on elaborating your paper, thereby increasing its chances of passing successfully through the Peer Review process, as well as having a higher impact during the Congress.

How does it work? 

After identifying the relevant papers, we will contact you and connect you with your designated Mentor. From then on, you will have about a month to work together and deliver a final paper that incorporates the new elements, elaborations, or corrections that you worked on.

After you deliver your paper, you may choose to submit it for Peer-Review or just publish it in the normal congress proceedings (non-peer-reviewed). Peer-Review is not obligatory after mentorship.

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