Guidelines for Submissions 

Review and download the official Congress submission guideline document:
Guidelines for Submission: Congress Contributions 2023.

Please be sure that you are referencing the most current PDF version, indicated on the cover and in the file name.

Templates - Research Paper Submission

Paper Submission - July 15, 2023

Presentation Submission - July 15, 2023
*Template mandatory

Templates - Case Study Report Submission

Paper Submission - July 15, 2023

Presentation Submission - July 15, 2023
*Template mandatory

Template - Special Session

Special Session Programme Submission - July 15, 2023

*Template mandatory

Submission Process

1.  Create an Account    

Create and Account in the online ISOCARP Congress Platform: Create an Account

2.  Follow Abstract Submission Guidelines   

Review and follow the guidelines for Abstract submission in the Submission Guidelines: Congress Contributions 2023. Not following these guidelines is grounds for rejection of abstracts.

3.  Submit Your Abstract     

Submit your Abstract in the ISOCARP Congress Platform at: Abstract Submission by the Abstract Submission Deadline. See Important Dates.

4.  Notification of Selection     

ISOCARP notification to Proposers of Abstract acceptance or rejection will be via email from See notification timeline at: Important Dates.

5.  Congress Registration

All Presenters, including Co-Presenters, must complete Congress Registration before being able to proceed with Final Submissions.

6.  Follow Final Submission Guidelines

Review and follow the guidelines for Final Submission in the Submission Guidelines: Congress Contributions 2023. Not following these guidelines is grounds for removal of Contributions from the Congress Programme and all ISOCARP publications.

7.  Complete Your Final Submission

Submit your Final Submission(s) in the online ISOCARP Congress Platform by the Final Submission Deadline. See Important Dates.

Important Dates

16 March

Call for Contributions Opens

1 May

Abstract Submission Deadline (First Call for contributions)

End of May

Notification of Selection via Email

14 of May
Abstract Submission Deadline (2nd Call for contributions)

1 of July

Congress Participants Registration Deadline

15 of July

Final Submission Deadline

20-21 September

Pre-Congress Virtual Only Presentations

10-13 October

Congress Presentations in Toronto, Canada

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