Congress Speakers

Meseret Haileyesus
Founder, Canadian Centre for Women's Empowerment (Ontario, Canada)
Dr. Vatsal Bhatt
Vice President for LEED for Communities - U.S. Green Building Council
Mayor Amanda McDougall-Merrill
Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Bruce Stiftel
Professor Emeritus of City and Regional Planning at Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
Dr. Bruno Marques
IFLA President, Registered Landscape Architect and Educator
Vanessa Oraekwe
Community Development Specialist at the City of Toronto

Pedro Ortiz
Founder President of the International Metropolitan Fellowship
Petra (Stieninger) Hurtado
Director of Research and Foresight at the American Planning Association

Ali A. Alraouf
Prof. of Architecture and Urbanism HBKU, S. Advisor for Qatar Urban Planning & Head of Studio & Urban Lab, ISOCARP BM and Director of Awards and Publications
Alexander C. Hedvall 
Climate Strategies, Svenska Handelsbanken

Hope Magidimisha-Chipungu
Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)

Laura Petrella
Chief Planning, Finance

and Economy Section 

Adel Gamar
CEO & Co-Founder, GLG Ltd (British Columbia, Canada)

Osprey Orielle Lake
Founder & Executive Director for Women's Earth and Climate Action Network

Carlos Joaquin
Ambassador of Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)

Adriana Paliwoda-Matiolańska, PhD
Assistant Professor at the Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Mona Abdallah
Region Director, African Planners Institute (Khartoum, Sudan)

Gil Penalosa
Founder, 8 80 Cities & Cities4Everyone (Ontario, Canada)

Giuseppe Tesoriere
Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission (Ethiopia, Africa)

Dr. Marilu Melo Zurrita
Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales. Leader, Urban Integration for ITA Committee for Underground Space (ITACUS)
George Kibala Bauer
Director, Digital Utilities at GMSA (London, UK)

Sophia Kianni
Founder of Climate Cardinals, Youngest UN Advisor (Washington, DC, USA)
Hon. Matthew Green
Member of Parliament for Hamilton Centre

Kathryn Bakos
Director, Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo
Ananthan Krishnan
Secretary General of Urban Economy Forum

Julie Ward
Former British Member of European Parliament (UK)

Eduardo Lopez Moreno
Executive Director, World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park

Wei Dong
Professor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology. Vice Dean, Science and Technology Leading Talents of the Ministry of Natural Resources China
Emmauel Serunjoji
Deputy Mayor, Kampala City Council Kawempe Division (Uganda, East Africa)

Ewa Jackson
Managing Director, ICLEI-Canada

Graham Carr
President, Concordia University (Quebec, Canada)

Alison Gilliland
Dublin City Councillor, 
Chairperson, Dublin City Council Housing Strategic Policy Committee (SPC)
Practice Manager of the Global Programs Unit in the Urban, Resilience, and Land Global Practice of the World Bank

Ziya Altunyaldız
Deputy of Konya, Member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Foreign Affairs Commission and Member of the Defense and Security Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Jennifer Mirembe
Director in the National Department of Human Settlements managing
 Long Term Spatial Planning and Urban Design

Larry Law
Architect, Living Water Resorts

Gora Mboup, PhD 
President & CEO GORA Corp
Lily Cheng 
Councillor, Willowdale, Ontario
Edinho Silva
Mayor, of Araraquara

Dahabo Ahmed-Omer
Chief Executive Officer, BlackNorth Initiative
Myrna Bittner
Founder and CEO of RUNWITHIT
Mekaeel Malik
Founder of Climate Finance Pakistan (CFP)
Ellen De Vibe
Architect MNAL, former Chief City Planner, The City of Oslo
Dr. Azizur Rahman Siddiqui
Member Academic Council in central university of South Bihar
Niloofar Manafi
Product Manager, Technical Lead, RWI Synthetics

Joyce Coffee, LEED AP
Founder and President of Climate Resilience Consulting

Dr. Kyle Farell
Urban Economist and Managing Partner of Economic Pulse Analytics
Hoswell Kinuthia
Technical Committee Member, Municipal Manager of Thika Municipality

Andrew Martschenko     Principal, Parataxis Design and Development Corporation

Janet Bobechko
Certified Specialist in Environmental Law by the Law Society of Ontario and Partner at WeirFoulds LLP

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